Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Look whats waiting for you

Well a lot has happened since I started this blog!  Mainly we found out this bun in my oven is HUGE.  This baby girl is estimated at over 8 & 1/2 pounds, already.  Gosh my mother is going to be right, she told me months ago I was going to have a 9 pound baby!!  I told her to bite her tongue but it looks like she might be right.  We have just under 3 weeks until my due date and I am secretly hoping things get moving sooner rather than later!!

I am not quite sure how I will push this large baby out of me, but I am trying to have faith in my body and in the fact that we as women are made to do this.  And if all else fails that's why we have modern medicine!!  Seeing her little face on the ultrasound screen brought tears to my eyes and has made my husband and I both even more anxious to meet her, to hold her, kiss those lips and pinch those chubby cheeks!

I decided that I am going to walk every night and go up and down as many stairs as possible & do lots of squats in hopes of getting her head to get into my pelvis.  My mom laughs at this as well and said that I can do whatever I please but it really comes down to the baby.  (Why must she always be right? Can't she humor me?)  But I figure that walking at the very least will help my mental state and I can feel like maybe I am doing something each day besides continue to fatten up this buddha baby.  If you can't tell I like to be in control of things, and although I recognize I have no control over the next few steps, it will feel good to do something.

I love the midwifery group that I go to.  Thankfully I had an appointment the day after our ultrasound and she talked me down a little bit.  I can't focus on her estimated weight right now, she probably isn't quite that big and she might not stay in there until her due date, we can just take it day by day and I am doing my best with that.  The very best news though was that has begun to dip into my pelvis which is a new development and that night I felt a lot of pain there and had my first contraction.  It was small and light and I know she is still far off from being born, but it was such a relief to finally feel like at least we are moving a bit toward the next step. That my body & the baby are working toward her birth day.

In the mean time I keep talking to my little girl and trying to ply her out of me.  I go into her nursery & say "look at this beautiful room don't you want to see it?"  The nursery is still lacking a dust ruffle and the mobile I am making for her but I don't care much.  We have time for each of those.  For now it looks like this:

The Details

Colors & Chair Rail - I knew that purple would be the main color in nursery, and I loved the idea of the purple and gray with a chair rail dividing it.  So slowly with the help of my awesome cousin Chelsea our yellow spare room began to transform. You should have seen me trying to decide on the exact paint colors!

Plus the chair rail gave my husband an excuse to buy a new tool

Gallery Wall - I saw something similar on pinterest and started collecting images that I liked, so that I could easily add more colors to the room.  I was able to paint a lot of old frames that I had, and picked up a few others at Micheal's frames with coupons and was excited to find a pack of round mirrors at walmart. We don't have a color printer at home, so I brought the files to Office Max and printed them there on good paper for under a dollar each.

My favorites are the framed lyric from our wedding song & elephant, while my husband loves the Yoda quote I included, something about doing & not trying, star wars, yadda, yadda :)

TIP - To get a good layout & know how it would look, I traced the frames onto brown paper (you could also use the back of wrapping paper)  

Window treatments - I wanted to try using sticks from our tree as the rods, so we coated them with lots of polyurethane.  The little bird is one that I have made for the mobile but since I haven't finished it, I decided to perch a few up there.  I had seen someone use a star scrap booking punch on a shade & I really wanted to try that.  I couldn't find a single star punch that could go all over the place but was able to find a multi-star all over Martha Stewart punch.  It gives the exact effect that I wanted. During the day it dances happy little stars across the floor and walls.

Lantern & Puffs - I had originally wanted to make these yarn ball things but when I tested them I decided the simple cheap tissue paper puffs were even better! {Here is a link to a good tutorial on making them} 

I bought the lantern on clearance over a year ago, I knew I'd do something with it.  I was able to find doilies at a family dollar and I also cut up an old lace table cloth to fill in around them.  I used Modge Podge with a little extra Elmers glue to get it all to stick.

I am very happy with the result!  It dulls the bright light and casts a wonderful glow to the room at night.

At night both my husband and I find ourselves wandering in there and looking around.  Everything is perfect, or near perfect we are just missing one key piece, the baby!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Here I am

I've written in a more private blog for so many years now, blogging is somewhat second nature to me although I created this place for something different.  I am hoping to use this blog to keep in touch with friends and family, to share more of our ever changing life.

Speaking of ever changing

I am now over 36 weeks pregnant.

There were times in the last 2 years that I was afraid I would never be here, that I may never feel my baby twist and turn in my belly but now it is my favorite pass time.  For the most part I have enjoyed my pregnancy, as much as you really can enjoy it.  Friends have said "Pregnancy looks good on you" and I guess I have to agree.  Don't get me wrong, it has been long, and hard and exhausting but I think I have just felt so grateful to be here that none of it mattered, that was the sacrifice for getting what I wanted the most.

As my 3rd trimester winds down I am becoming increasingly excited to meet our daughter, and I am becoming increasingly more uncomfortable!  The never ending heartburn has worn me down and I look forward to the day when I can bend over and pick things up, or tie my own shoes.  Although my husband has taken a lot of delight in tying my sneakers for me.  He has this happy little grin while he does it.  I think mostly he likes feeling needed and helpful, I am not very good at being a damsel in distress.  But that has slowly changed the farther along I get, and that's good for us.  

One of the most frequently said thing about having kids is "Your life changes"  I can't wait for that.  I can't wait for her to be the most important thing in my world.  I look forward to our nightly conversations to change from world events to poop colors & consistency & how cute she is blowing spit bubbles.  I want our priorities to change, and our time to be spent with my little one over everything else.  We are ready for that.  Of course I know it will still be crazy & overwhelming.  That I will still cry and sometimes feel lonely, but right now nothing seems more worth it.

Our nursery is just about completed, pictures to come next!  While all of my projects in there have come together wonderfully, my last one is giving me some issues!! So I have to spend a little time re-working that and then I'll post some pictures.  I love walking in there in the morning and smiling, both patiently & impatiently waiting for her arrival.